Alain Désilets is a Research Officer at the National Research Council of Canada.
He was conference chair for WikiSym 2007:
He is currently doing research on how Massive Online Collaboration and in particular wiki, will change the world of translation and multilingual content creation.
- Translation Wikified: How will Massive Online Collaboration Impact the World of Translation?, Opening Keynote at Translating and the Computer 29, 2007
- http://www.aslib.com/conferences/programme.html
- Making WikiMedia resources more useful for translators, WikiMania 2007
- Translation the Wiki Way, WikiSym 2006
He is currently organizing a workshop on wiki translation for WikiSym 2008, which will take place in Porto, Portugal in September of 2008.
He also published on the usability of wikis, and is one of the "usability evangelists" for the TikiWiki project.
- Are Wikis Usable?, WikiSym 2005
He is currently co-writing a paper with Louis-Philippe Huberdeau, Sébastien Paquet and Xavier de Pedro, on the CLWE Project:
For Alain Désilets's wiki-translation blog: click here.
Todo list
To see what Alain is working on these days, see Alain Désilets' todo list.