Translation in progress.
Q. En quoi consiste ce site?
Le site que vous visitez actuellemt est un lieu d'échange pour les personnes qui s'interrogent sur l'impact que la collaboration massive façon wiki, aura sur le monde de la traduction. C'est un endroit où l'on peut échanger de l'information sur les pratiques exemplaires, les outils, et discuter de la façon de les améliorer.
Ce wiki est aussi un terrain d'essai pour un projet appelé Cross Lingual Wiki Engine Project. En effet, le site wiki-translation utilise l'engin TikiWiki, que certains d'entre nous ont modifié afin qu'il puisse mieux appuyer la traduction collaborative de contenu wiki. Si vous portez attention, vous remarquerez certaines fonctionalités de traduction sur le présent site (ces fonctionalités sont en évolution constante).
Q. Who is here?
We have gathered a number of People who are interested in wiki-inspired translation.
Q. What's on this site?
First off, this site has a wiki — you're reading one of its pages right now. It also has a discussion forum. Finally, we're also hanging out on a skype public chat - feel free to drop in!
If you should get lost at any point, the side menu has the basic links to help you get back somewhere familiar.
Q. What are the different ways to participate in this community?
You can contribute in many ways:
- Comment on pages: At the bottom of every wiki page is a form that allows you to post comments.
- Edit pages: At the bottom of every wiki page is an edit link. Click on that link and you can modify the content of the page.
- Create new pages: Edit a page and add a link to a new topic on it. Then save and click the link you just made.
- Post to the Wiki-translation discussion forum: If you have something to say and want most of the community to hear it, you can post a message on the Wiki-translation discussion forum. Most of the members of the community receive notification whenever a new message is posted there. The forum is also a good place to ask questions on how to use the site.
You don't need to be a registered user to contribute, but we encourage you to register.
Q. Can anyone edit this site?
Yes, but please see our Editing policy.
Q. How can I keep up with what's happening?
There are many ways to do this.
- View the recent changes to the wiki. Whenever you visit the site, you should be able to click on the Last Changes link (in the sidebar) to find out which pages have changed recently. You may also use RSS to see recent changes.
- Track pages via email. Once you are logged in, you can decide to track changes to specific pages. Just click the eye icon at the top of the page. This will send you an email whenever that page changes. (If the eye icon is crossed by a red bar, it means you are already tracking that page.)
- Track the discussion forum via email. You can also track activity on the forum. Again, you do this by clicking on the eye icon. The discussion forum is often used to advertise new topics created by people, or to broadcast messages that are of general interest to the whole community.
- Use Web feeds. We have feeds for the wiki, the forum, and the calendar. Look for the
RSS icons at the bottom of any page.