Wiki-translation discussion

OpenID problems

I'm trying to log in with my OpenID. I don't have a account yet.

After validating my OpenID, I'm taken to a Tiki page that prompts me to create a new account on to associate with my OpenID. I enter a username and password, but then get the following error:

Wrong registration code


I disabled "Prevent automatic/robot registration" from tiki-admin.php?page=login for now

All Yahoo! accounts now have OpenID support (

I'm now trying to use my Yahoo! open id to register. returns the following error:

Failure: OpenID authentication failed: No session state found


I used VeriSign's OpenID SeatBelt Plugin.
After returning to the registration, the username and mail-address was incorrectly entered at the formular.

I could login with openid (creating a new user "xavidp" linked to that account, different from the "xavi" with admin priviliges here)

However, a couple of issues:
  1. I cannot create new posts in this forum either as anonymous or as logged in user (at least, logged in as this xavidp - openid account). I cannot try yet whether this is an issue with perms (I don't remember my user "xavi" password, and "remember me" feature didn't send the email yet (or it didn't reach my email provider at my university; it seems to take more than 15 min.)
  2. As anoymous, I attempted to create a new wiki page, and I couldn't. I could edit (as anon.) to use cases page. I made a link to Tikiwiki Documentation page, but I couldn't create it. I went to the new (empty) page, fill in one sentence, plus description of page, hit on save (write anti-bot code), and I got this answer:
    Ha hagut un error en una petició de la base de dades!
    File	tiki-editpage.php
    Url	tiki-editpage.php
    insert into `tiki_user_watches`(`user`,`event`,`object`,`email`,`hash`,`type`,`title`,`url`) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
    0	NULL
    1	wiki_page_changed
    2	Tikiwiki Documentation
    3	NULL
    4	945614d9910190d33f5e8aaa4ec5f4b3
    5	wiki page
    6	Tikiwiki Documentation
    7	tiki-index.php?page=Tikiwiki Documentation
    Column 'user' cannot be null
    Built query was probably:
    insert into `tiki_user_watches`(`user`,`event`,`object`,`email`,`hash`,`type`,`title`,`url`) values(NULL,'wiki_page_changed','Tikiwiki Documentation',NULL,'945614d9910190d33f5e8aaa4ec5f4b3','wiki page','Tikiwiki Documentation','tiki-index.php?page=Tikiwiki Documentation')

    Maybe this site has been updated to latest tw 1.10 code, but there hasn't been manual update of database? (note nktoth message on tiki-devel list, afaik, or elsewhere - I don't remember). Manual execution of tiki_1.9to1.10.sql is needed when upgrading from 1.10cvs to 1.10beta. And it looks that this sql has been run recently. Can you confirm, Marc?
  1. As anoymous, I attempted to create a new wiki page, and I couldn't. I could edit (as anon.) to use cases page. I made a link to Tikiwiki Documentation page, but I couldn't create it. I went to the new (empty) page, fill in one sentence, plus description of page, hit on save (write anti-bot code), and I got this answer:
Ha hagut un error en una petició de la base de dades!
 File	tiki-editpage.php
 Url	tiki-editpage.php
 insert into `tiki_user_watches`(`user`,`event`,`object`,`email`,`hash`,`type`,`title`,`url`) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
 1	wiki_page_changed
 2	Tikiwiki Documentation
 4	945614d9910190d33f5e8aaa4ec5f4b3
 5	wiki page
 6	Tikiwiki Documentation
 7	tiki-index.php?page=Tikiwiki Documentation
 Column 'user' cannot be null
 Built query was probably:
 insert into `tiki_user_watches`(`user`,`event`,`object`,`email`,`hash`,`type`,`title`,`url`) values(NULL,'wiki_page_changed','Tikiwiki Documentation',NULL,'945614d9910190d33f5e8aaa4ec5f4b3','wiki page','Tikiwiki Documentation','tiki-index.php?page=Tikiwiki Documentation')

+ Maybe this site has been updated to latest tw 1.10 code, but there hasn't been manual update of database? (note nktoth message on tiki-devel list, afaik, or elsewhere - I don't remember). Manual execution of tiki_1.9to1.10.sql is needed when upgrading from 1.10cvs to 1.10beta. And it looks that this sql has been run recently. Can you confirm, Marc?

After I logged in as openid user (xavidp), I could go back to that broser window where I hit the error, and I saw that the url had an extra slash after domain name:

Maybe that was (or also) causing a problem, as anonymous?
However, I tried doing the same save on that page as user "xavidp", and I could save the page without any error notice. So the problem/issue seems to arise with anonymous edits...

moderator approval??? It seems I've missed some important info about wiki-translation site in the last month... I'll keep reading messages to see If I can get up to date with the state of the art of this project (and web site)

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