Word, yo.


Translation set

A group of pages that are translations of one another.


The process that happens when changes to one member of a translation set are reflected in another member.


If A and B are pages in a translation set, they are synchronized (or in sync) when page A is a complete and satisfactory translation of page B and vice versa.

CLWE Project-specific vocabulary

Content element

A change to a page. It may be an addition, a modification or a removal of page content. Content elements are only implicitly represented in the CLWE syncing architecture.


Say A and B are pages in a translation set. Page A is up-to-date with respect to page B when all the changes in B have propagated to A. Page A is more up-to-date than page B if it has content elements that have not yet propagated to page B.

Pages A and B are synchronized (or in sync) if they are both up-to-date


If page A is more up-to-date than page B, a translator updates page B by translating all content elements in A that haven't yet propagated into B. Updates have a source and a target (here, A and B, respectively)

Partial translation

A translation effort that does not make the target page up-to-date with respect to the source page.

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