(please, help to complete this list)
Other people might join, as reported on the Facebook event, even if they haven't confirmed yet.
Sébastien Paquet | TELUQ-UQAM, Montréal, Canada | sebpaq@NOSPAM@gmail.com | no |
Alain Désilets | National Research Council of Canada | alain.desilets@NOSPAM@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca | yes |
Xavier de Pedro | University of Barcelona, Spain | xavier.depedro@NOSPAM@ub.edu | yes |
A Kumaran | Multilingual Systems (MLS) group in Microsoft Research India | a.kumaran@NOSPAM@microsoft.com | no |
Alex Schröder | BSI Business Systems Integration AG, Switzerland | kensanata@NOSPAM@gmail.com | yes |
André Guyon | Translation Bureau of Canada, Canada | Andre.Guyon@PWGSC.GC.CA | yes |
Asunción López-Varela Azcárate | Dept. of English Philology II, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain | alopezva@NOSPAM@filol.ucm.es | yes |
Caroline Barrière | National Research Council of Canada | caroline.barriere@NOSPAM@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca | no |
Daniel Kinzler | Universität Leipzig | daniel@NOSPAM@brightbyte.de | yes |
Dora Montagna | Università degli Studi di Torino – Università Sapienza di Roma | no | |
Enric Senabre | Technical coordinator of the "Observatory for the CiberSociety", Barcelona, Spain | esenabre@NOSPAM@cibersociedad.net | no |
Gilles Martel | Translation Bureau of Canada, Canada | Gilles.E.Martel@NOSPAM@pwgsc.gc.ca | no |
Han-Teng Liao | Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, UK. | hanteng@NOSPAM@gmail.com | yes |
Jean Quirion | Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada | jean.quirion@NOSPAM@uqo.ca | no |
Laura Cayuela | Dept. of English Philology II, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain | alopezva@NOSPAM@filol.ucm.es | yes |
Louis-P. Huberdeau | École de technologie supérieure, Montreal, Canada | lphuberdeau@NOSPAM@ieee.org | yes |
Marc Laporte | Avantech.net, Canada | marc@NOSPAM@marclaporte.com | yes |
Mark Dilley | Wiki Builder at AboutUs.org | mark@NOSPAM@aboutus.org | no |
Marta Stojanovic | National Research Council of Canada | marta.stojanovic@NOSPAM@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca | remote attendee |
Milorad Tosic | University of Nis, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Serbia | mbtosic@NOSPAM@yahoo.com | yes |
Nelson Ko | Citadel Rock Online Communities Inc, Canada | nelson@NOSPAM@wordmaster.org | no |
Olaf M. Stefanov | Recently retired from the United Nations, Vienna | olaf@NOSPAM@stefanov.at | yes |
Olivera Tosic | Virtuona d.o.o., Serbia | olivera.tosic@NOSPAM@virtuonasoft.com | yes |
Tom Laird-McConnell | Microsoft Research USA | tom.laird-mcconnell AT microsoft.com | yes |
Youcef Bey | GETALP research group, LIG laboratory, Joseph Fourier University, France | bey@NOSPAM@p.u-tokyo.ac.jp | yes |
Other people might join, as reported on the Facebook event, even if they haven't confirmed yet.