Processes and tools for massively collaborative translation

What processes and tools are needed to translate content that is constantly being edited collaboratively by a large community of anonymous authors?

Please tell us what you think about that below.

For a detailed analysis of the issues, see this paper:

Note that a bunch of people in this community are working on adding features to wiki engines in order to support that sort of thing.

See: Cross Lingual Wiki Engine Project.

In fact, the wiki-translation site you are reading will probably be used as a first pilot site for those kinds of features.

For a demo of what a cross lingual wiki engine might feel like, see the following demo:

Examples of sites that face this sort of issue and use this sort of process:


  • A site where people can post public documents that they wish to see translated collaboratively in different languages.

Global Voices

  • Collaborative multilngual subtitling of videos.

Upcoming Events

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