Wiki-translation discussion

Invitation on

Hi, I registered here a while ago, being both a translator and a TW user. Unfortunately, I could not participate much, for the simple reason that, my job keeping me on the desktop typing so intensively, I absolutely needed to spend my free time away from computers and linguistics.

Anyway, now I have an opportunity for you.

Many translators are unsatisfied with their present forum (, and are asking me to create another forum, more confidential, but of course with i18n.

At the same time, I want to provide them with the wiki tool, because we are tired of the forum-only solutions for technical questions, always having to reply to the same technical questions, never accumulating knowledge in wiki pages.

At the same time, many are curious of the possibilities of opensource translation tools. The industry standard Trados costs way too much and is of arguable quality standard.

So I thought I could make you meet them, and them meet you.

There will be a place for them to talk of whatever translators want to talk among themselves, a place for discussing wiki pages, and a place for them to talk to you.

Of course, on you will have the possibility to experiment whatever feature you deem interesting, and discuss the reactions of those professional of translation.

If you are interested, send me an e-mail at arnaudherve at gmail dot com. It will be a closed site, for professionals, on invitation only. Things are going to start consistently in September.
> Many translators are unsatisfied with their present forum (, and are asking me to create another forum, more confidential, but of course with i18n.

Interesting. Can you tell us more about their reasons for being dissatisfied with ProZ?

> At the same time, I want to provide them with the wiki tool, because we are tired of the forum-only solutions for technical questions, always having to reply to the same technical questions, never accumulating knowledge in wiki pages.

You might be interested in the TikiWiki Collaborative Multilingual Terminology Profile:

This is essentially a set of pre-packaged TikiWiki settings which effectively turn it into a highly collaborative, poor-man's terminology database.

Note that those features currently work best with the bleeding edge version of TW (trunk branch).

If you are interested in helping out with this, there are lots of pending todos on this profile, many of which do not require actual coding (just experimenting with TW settings, to find the ones that are most appropriate). If you are an advanced user of TW, you should be able to do a lot of those.

I have been working on this profile with André Guyon and Louis-Philippe Huberdeau, but we could always use some help, as we are all very busy.

> So I thought I could make you meet them, and them meet you.

Count me in. I will send you an email today.

Great initiative btw.


> Interesting. Can you tell us more about their reasons for being dissatisfied with ProZ?

The first thing they resent is moderation of the forum moving from colleagues to employees, and in the process becoming incompetent, intrusive and offensive.

I think the reason behind that is Proz moving to the lower end of the market, with low end agencies tapping in the low end mass of non pro translators for low end poor level jobs, both translators and agencies making quick bucks in haste. Hence the staff don't have to consider their members as professionals any longer.

> Count me in. I will send you an email today.

At which address should I send the invitation?
> > Count me in. I will send you an email today.
> invitation
> At which address should I send the ?

alain.desilets at

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